Beiträge mit Tag "Wandern"


Mein besonderer Tipp an Euch für den Jahreswechsel: Macht mal Runde auf dem Achtsamkeits-Pfad Kleine Kyll in Manderscheid. Die kleine Kyll - alleine schon dieser besondere Bach, der uns immer begleitet, bringt uns automatisch dazu, ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Natur und auch auf uns zu richten. An jeder Wegebiegung warten ein neues Naturerlebniss auf uns. Mit Moos bewachsene steinerne Gebilde, blubberndes Wasser, das über Stromschnellen herunterläuft, ein Eichhörnchen, das immer noch den Wintervorrat zusammenträgt.

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Als ich Samstagmorgen vom Zwitschern der Vögel geweckt wurde, war es noch bewölkt  und so entschloss ich erst einmal eine Runde mit dem Mountainbike zu drehen.  Nach knapp 22 km durch Wald und Wiesen war ich ausgepowert, aber überglücklich und zufrieden zurück. Denn der Tau auf den feuchten Wiesen, die stillen Wälder und die steigende Sonne und Wärme ist immer wieder ein herrlicher Genuss, welchen ich am liebsten täglich zu Fuß oder mit dem Rad erleben möchte.

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The sun laughed from the bright blue sky. When I saw that from inside, there was no stopping me. I had been toying with the idea of hiking the 2-Bäche trail in Hasborn for quite some time. As now the holiday offered a work-free day, I decided to seize the opportunity. Quickly packed the provisions backpack and off we went.

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A few days ago I had to move all my pictures from my phone's memory card to my PC because I had hardly any space left and couldn't take any new pictures. That was quite exciting and some pictures I have already not even thought about...Anyway...photographing is really easy today in contrast to the past..and how quickly you have made hundreds of pictures? 

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Now I'm not exactly a sports fan and prefer to relax according to the motto "get out of the daily grind - up on the couch". But sometimes... it's not the couch in the living room that tempts me, but the forest sofa. The forest sofa at the Hohenzollern tower in Bad Bertrich. Here I also lie comfortably, put my legs up, close my eyes and relax involuntarily - but here I breathe fresh clean air and am directly in nature. And there's background music here, too: namely, the gentle chirping of birds accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves.

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Na ja, wenn wir uns den Wetterbericht für die kommenden Weihnachtstage so anschauen, so sieht  das nicht gerade nach weihnachtlich, winterlichen Feiertagen aus. Aber macht nichts, denn gerade der Wechsel des Wetters in unseren Breiten fordert doch unseren Organismus heraus. Gestern Abend nach Feierabend bin ich ca. 1 Stunde bei leichtem Nieselregen zum Joggen unterwegs gewesen - mit Stirnlampe und so..!  Und was soll ich sagen, es hat mir nach einem Arbeitstag am PC ausgesprochen gut getan.

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Finally it is here again, the beautiful, fresh autumn, and the trees show themselves in their full color splendor. I use my autumn (vacation) time for an internship at the GesundLand Vulkaneifel team in Ulmen and one of my tasks was to go armed with the camera to the Ulmener Maar and on my "Once-around-Maar-and-back" tour to capture exactly this blaze of color. I love taking pictures and with a motif like the Ulmen Maar in autumn I almost couldn't stop.

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Health hiking? Never heard of it? The German Hiking Association has launched this idea. According to the motto "Let's go - every step keeps you fit," people hike, of course. But the special thing happens on the way. In the middle of nature, exercises are done together with the group in beautiful places that improve coordination as well as strength and endurance.

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It's buzzing around the Antonius Cross in Ulmen. But you still have to look closely to find the small brown-yellow bees. Tirelessly, busy honey bees search for nectar and pollen between the bright purple heath and the fragrant orchard meadow, which they bring to their newly installed homes. Local beekeepers and the Ulmen tourist office have come up with something very special for this idyllic spot:

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Doctors are right to say that exercise is the best medicine. But if adaptation to natural climatic stimuli is added to normal training, the effects are greater and the body is also hardened. For example, when we hike in cooler weather, our body adjusts. Our organism is better supplied with blood and in the long run our sensitivity to temperature decreases significantly. We also achieve a similar effect if we expose ourselves to fresh air during sports, even in windy conditions, or - of course in good doses - to the sun.

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