Posts in the category "Hiking


Durch eine Infektion mit Krankenhauskeimen verlor Fritz Kretzschmar 2013 sein rechtes Bein. Eine schwierige Situation für den vormals körperlich so aktiven jungen Mann: Wandern, Fußball und Laufen standen bis dato immer auf dem Programm. Fritz musste lernen, mit einer Prothese zu laufen.

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Du hast Lust auf einen Wanderurlaub in der Vulkaneifel – warum wanderst du dann nicht gleich Deutschlands schönsten Wanderweg 2023, die HeimatSpur Wasserfall-Erlebnisroute? Wir zeigen dir, wie dein perfekter Wanderurlaub in Bad Bertrich in der Vulkaneifel aussehen kann!

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Gemeinsam mit deinem Vierbeiner aktiv sein, ist doch das Schönste! Damit beim nächsten Wanderausflug durch die Vulkaneifel mit dem Hund alles klappt, haben wir die wichtigsten Regeln und Tipps zur Vorbereitung für dich zusammengestellt. Lies hier, worauf es beim Wandern mit Hund ankommt.

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There are three special resting places where I can rest and relax on my tour through the Lutzerather Forest in mid-September in the fall. At only five kilometers, the Wald-Wohlfühl-Weg is not all that long, and the flat terrain does not require any special physical fitness. But I can relax and unwind here in a special way.

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Whether leisurely hiking trails, through the undergrowth of green forests or cross-country. The right footwear is indispensable for extensive hiking tours, for example through the breathtaking beauty of the land of maars and volcanoes. So that you can enjoy your shoes for a long time, we'll tell you four tips on how to properly care for your hiking shoes.

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The mindfulness path in the GesundLand Vulkaneifel in the climatic and Kneipp health resort of Manderscheid is a great offer that will encourage you to consciously take time for yourself and do something good for yourself. And a small brook called Kleine Kyll will accompany you. The Kleine Kyll, which is only 23.9 km long in total, is your companion.

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In the beauty of bitter cold, the GesundLand Vulkaneifel is currently lying quietly in winter beauty between ancient maars and volcanoes. No weather for hiking? Not at all, says GesundLand scout Rainer Schmitz, who particularly enjoys hiking in the rain.

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When I set off from my starting point on this Monday morning for the approx. 9 km hike on the HeimatSpur "Alte Eiche" circular route, I didn't know what to expect. An impressive hiking experience.

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In the early 2000s, Manuel Andrack became known through the Harald Schmidt Show. And what does he do today? Today, the likeable author and presenter goes hiking. An interview.

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One hike, three perspectives: Anne, Anja and Mandy hike along the VulkaMaar Trail, which has been nominated as Germany's most beautiful hiking trail in 2021, and each talk about their experiences hiking along the VulkaMaar Trail from their own perspective.

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