Stay healthy and become healthy in the Volcanic Eifel

Cures. Kneipp. Invigorate.


Feel the power of nature. Feel the healing effect of the water. Breathe in the fresh air. Fill up with new energy. Forget your worries. Let yourself fall.

Give your body and soul a break and replenish your energy reserves. The GesundLand Vulkaneifel offers you certified health resorts, holistic Kneipp treatments and a special healing climate.

A time-out in the Volcanic Eifel is more than just a normal vacation. Arrive, switch off, recharge: body and soul find their healthy balance again in GesundLand. Use the power of the mineral springs and the healing climate. You will feel how good it does you. Our motto: Feel the original life force of the earth!

A cure in Bad Bertrich, Daun or Manderscheid

"Stay healthy - get healthy" is the motto here. The GesundLand Vulkaneifel offers you, in addition to many beautiful resorts, the three predicate health resorts Bad Bertrich, Daun and Manderscheid. They are known for their gentle and natural healing methods. In Bad Bert rich, for example, the only thermal bath in Germany, the Vulkaneifel Therme, which is fed 100% by the Glauber salt thermal spring, awaits you. Even the Romans swore by the healing properties of this spring 2000 years ago.

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Kneipp: five pillars for a holistic concept

Kneipp's teachings are already more than 150 years old. But the theories of Sebastian Kneipp are more relevant today than ever. Inner balance, enjoyment, herbs, exercise and water - the holistic health concept rests on these five pillars. In the special environment of the GesundLand Vulkaneifel, a Kneipp treatment not only does you good, but is also really fun. Use the application possibilities in the Kneipp spas Daun and Manderscheid and find back to your inner balance.

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More information

Healing climate: stimulating stimuli and gentle factors

Even the ancient Greeks observed that people in certain places were not only more full of life, but also very rarely suffered from certain diseases. This is also quite easy to explain if you consider that the climate is composed of various factors that can strain, spare or even stimulate the organism. In Daun and Manderscheid there is a very special healing climate. Gentle factors and stimulating stimuli are dosed here in such a way that they promote your health.

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Your vacation planner Angelika Krupp
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Your vacation planner Tamara Zimmer
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Your vacation planner Michaela Berlingen

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