The GesundLand Vulkaneifel is not only a volcanic paradise for hiking, cycling and experiencing nature, but also home to a large number of producers who produce healthy, regional food with the heart and soul of the Eifel.
In the case of regionally produced food, consumers can inspect the producers on site themselves and independently trace the origin and manufacture of the products. This creates trust in the producer and makes the products authentic. In-season, ripe harvests and short transport routes enable climate-friendly purchasing. The region-specific recipes and manufacturing processes make these foods so high-quality and individual.
The GesundLand Vulkaneifel therefore supports the production and sale of regional foods in order to strengthen the region sustainably. From cooperations with some regional producers, the GesundLand products have thus emerged, which bring not only the locals, but also the guests a piece of Vulkaneifel on the menu.
Wer im GesundLand Vulkaneifel mit offenen Augen durch die Geschäfte und Märkte geht, der wird vom süßen Honig über schmackhafte Getränke noch viele weitere Lebensmittel der Regionalmarke EIFEL in den Regalen finden. Lecker und natürlich – natürlich lecker! Lebensmittel, Holz-Produkte und touristische Dienstleistungen werden mit dieser Marke für ihre kontrollierte Qualität und Herkunft aus der Eifel ausgezeichnet.
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