A panorama to dream and linger

Incredibly real. Infinitely far. Unforgettably beautiful.


The grasses and leaves sway gently in the wind. The sun breathes a light golden hue over the lush green. The maars set bright blue contrasts. You are enthroned high above the tops of the volcanic Eifel. Let the panorama take its effect on you. You dream and suddenly become very calm and clear - with some problems a distant view from above helps.

We have compiled the most beautiful, romantic and spectacular viewpoints in the GesundLand Vulkaneifel for you. Nowhere else do you have such a view of the unique landscape of the Volcanic Eifel. So dare the ascent. You will be rewarded with a natural scenery that you will dream about for a long time.


The most beautiful wide views

Dreamlike landscape as far as the eye can see

Meerfeld country view


This vantage point directly at the Meerfelder Maar is unique: From the edge of the crater you have a picturesque view of the Mosenberg, Meerfeld and of course the Maar itself. From here, there are almost endless hiking possibilities - or you can simply linger on the shore and enjoy the tranquility.

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Manderscheider castles


Here history becomes an experience! No wonder that several hiking trails lead here. Because not only the view over Manderscheid and the Eifel is unique. During the castle festival, the ruins come to life. Jugglers provide atmosphere, knights fight for glory and honor and damsels dance over the steps.

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Drone tower


The climb is a tough one, but it's worth it. The Dronketurm is one of the highlights on the edge of the Eifelsteig. The tower on the Mäuseberg offers a breathtaking panorama and invites you to linger and dream. Lie down on one of the comfortable loungers and enjoy the magic of the moment. Here you can recharge your batteries for the road ahead and for everyday life.

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Hohenzollern Tower


Pause, linger and enjoy: The view from the forest sofa at the Hohenzollern tower is truly fascinating. You let your gaze wander over the landscape around Bad Bertrich, listen to the chirping of the birds and the gentle rustling of the leaves. The view can be reached via the Kurschattensteig - and this seven-kilometer trail is peppered with such magnificent panoramas. You hike along narrow, almost alpine paths to reach the most beautiful vantage points around the spa town. In addition to the Hohenzollern Tower, you will also pass the Bismarck Tower, Kuckuckslay, the Panoramablick and the Mooshütte.
The HeimatSpur Kurschattensteig leads you to the tower.

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Eifelblick Achterhöhe


When the heath blooms in August and September, the trip to this vantage point is truly a feast for the eyes. Make yourself comfortable on the forest sofa, enjoy the late summer warmth and let your eyes wander over the heath landscape. The rich colors have a calming effect. The Eifelblick Achterhöhe is located on the Achterhöhe adventure trail.

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Hiking with a view

The most beautiful hikes with fantastic views over the Eifel


The Vulcano path

Dieser Weg für trainierte Abenteurer führt dich unter anderem durch das Naturschutzgebiet Mürmes und über ein jahrtausendealtes Lavafeld. Es geht über gut ausgebaute Wege und echte Abenteurerpfade für geübte Wanderer. Halte inne am Schalkenmehrener Maar und gerate ins Träumen beim Blick auf das tiefblaue Wasser. Die 26 Kilometer lange Tour wird dir noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben, denn sie zählt zu den Wanderwegen mit den schönsten Aussichten über die Eifel. Unterwegs erhältst du außerdem Informationen über die besondere Geologie rund um die Vulkane.

The Achterhöhe adventure trail

Der Erlebnisweg Achterhöhe bietet nicht nur wunderbare Weitblicke auf die einzigartige Landschaft der Vulkaneifel, sondern ist auch für Kinder spannend. Auf bunten Schautafeln können die Kleinen einen Ameisenbau entdecken, erfahren wo die Dachse wohnen oder eine Heidefläche entdecken.
Die Plattform an der Achterhöhe ist das Highlight auf dem Weg. Weit über dem Siebenbachtal stehend lässt sich die Landschaft richtig genießen. Direkt neben der Plattform lässt sich auf Waldsofas eine gemütliche Rast einlegen.

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