En Steck Eefel fer Desch - The fruit tree sponsorship

Appreciate. Protect. Give.


Become a fruit tree sponsor. Protect the unique nature of the GesundLand Vulkaneifel.

Als Obstbaumpate setzt du dich aktiv für nachhaltigen Obstanbau und den Schutz von Streuobstwiesen ein. Durch deinen Beitrag werden alte Obstsorten gerettet und für nachfolgende Generationen bewahrt. Du sicherst unzähligen Tier- und Pflanzenarten ihren Lebensraum, der durch Monokulturen und Bebauung zunehmend bedroht wird. Mit jeder Patenschaft unterstützt du Projekte unseres Patenbetriebes, die der Umwelt ein Stück Natur zurückgeben.

Become a preserver of nature and biodiversity and become a fruit tree sponsor in the GesundLand Vulkaneifel!

Die Obstbaumpatenschaft ist eine Kooperation mit dem Litzbachhof in Alflen.

Your fruit tree sponsorship

  • 1 personalized certificate of your fruit tree sponsorship
  • 1 surprise package from the sponsor farm per year with products from the current fruit season.
    (shipment takes place in winter)
  • Vorteile bei deinem Einkauf beim Litzbachhof
  • Insight into the work on site during the fruit season
  • You will receive "Pos(t) ous da Eefel" with all important information about the Eifel fruit year

On request with personalized name tag (plus 10,- EUR).

Price per sponsorship


109,- EUR one time (for 2 years)
54,- EUR for each additional year

The fruit tree sponsorship is automatically renewed.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the sponsorship.
Additional costs apply for shipping abroad.

Become a fruit tree sponsor now


    Which products can be included in the surprise package? (please select)*
    With personalized name tag (plus 10,- EUR) (please select)*.
    When should the fruit tree sponsorship start?
    Who will become a fruit tree sponsor?
    Where should the certificate be sent? (please select)*
    Billing address (the confirmation will also be sent to this contact data)

    Marked (*) fields are mandatory
    By submitting the form you agree to our privacy policy.

    You want assistance with your booking?

    Your vacation planners are here for you!

    Your vacation planner Angelika Krupp
    Your vacation planner Angelika Krupp
    Your vacation planner Tamara Zimmer
    Your vacation planner Tamara Zimmer
    Your vacation planner Michaela Berlingen
    Your vacation planner Michaela Berlingen