Beiträge mit Tag "Gesundheit"


When it comes to walking over hill and dale, healthy and pain-free feet are an important prerequisite for enjoying your hike to the fullest. To make sure you actually succeed, here are 5 useful tips on how to keep your feet healthy for longer distances in the open air.

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Actually, we all know them, the personal benefits of sport and exercise. But it's so hard for us to get ourselves up to move our bodies regularly - especially after a long and stressful day at work.

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I recently came across an interesting article about a study conducted by Saarland University. "Those who exercise regularly age more slowly" it says. New and probably groundbreaking research results are presented here that prove that both endurance training and strength training slow down the aging process in us humans. Even moderate exercise significantly increases physical and mental fitness.

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Heute möchte ich auf die neueste, wie ich finde höchst interessante Ausgabe der  Kneippvisite unseres Kneippbundes hinweisen. Unsere GesundLand Kurorte Daun und Manderscheid sind ja auch mit dem Prädikat "Kneipp-Kurort" ausgezeichnet. Kneippvisite Januar 2013: "Sebastian Kneipp hielt wenig von Hektik und Stress. Er empfahl vielmehr maßvolle Bewegung als Ergänzung für seine reizvollen Kaltanwendungen.

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Health hiking? Never heard of it? The German Hiking Association has launched this idea. According to the motto "Let's go - every step keeps you fit," people hike, of course. But the special thing happens on the way. In the middle of nature, exercises are done together with the group in beautiful places that improve coordination as well as strength and endurance.

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Even if the weather today and over the carnival days will not come up with much sunshine or glorious snow, I still recommend to go outside. Because our body and also the soul needs light. The positive effect of light on body and soul is scientifically recognized. Light influences the "inner clock" of humans and animals via the optic nerve and thus our entire life. Hormone production and the release of messenger substances in the brain are controlled by the inner clock and thus also our well-being, our appetite, our sleep.

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