Pulvermaar is the deepest maar in the Eifel with 72 meters
It's ten o'clock in the morning and the Pulvermaar natural outdoor pool has only just opened, which is why there aren't many bathers there yet. It has become almost commonplace for me to go to the Pulvermaar in the summer, and yet the place has not lost any of its magic for me. So my way led me again yesterday to the deepest of the twelve Eifelmaare.
Since I am one of the first bathers, I can secure one of the coveted shady spots under a tree and spread out my towel there. After that, my path leads me immediately past the non-swimmer's pool down to the water of the Pulvermaar. I look at the almost circular shape of the Maarsee and contemplate the smooth water surface. Especially in the morning, when there is still little activity, this sight has something calming. The water is so clear that you can see the bottom, especially on the shallow shore area. However, this changes quickly the closer you get to the center of the maar: the 72 meter depth of the Pulvermaar can hardly be guessed.
To my right, a little boy slides down the large slide directly into the water and laughs merrily. Now nothing can stop me either and I dive into the refreshing water, which retains a pleasant coolness even in the hottest summer. Under water I have the feeling of complete freedom. I swim to the bathing island, where there are two diving towers. One is one meter high, the other three meters - they invite you to play and have fun at Pulvermaar.
I sit down on the edge of the bathing island and let my feet dangle in the water. From here, the pedal boats and rowboats that can be rented at the Maar can be observed very well. Due to the size of the powder maar - it measures about 700 meters in diameter - some of the boats on the other side of the maar only look like brightly colored spots. Gradually, one can observe how the sunbathing lawn fills up. On such a warm day as today, many people are again driven to the Pulvermaar, including both vacationers and locals. Families in particular like to come here again and again.
I have fond memories of playing with other children as a small child in the children's pool of the Pulvermaar, which is also filled with Maar water. Now there are even water games for the children, which are well and gladly used. After I have let the sun dry me on a bench, I slowly get hungry. How good that there is a kiosk at the Pulvermaar with numerous delicacies. Especially the homemade cheesecake I can highly recommend!
Together with some friends I enjoy a piece of cake from the kiosk. After that, it has already become so warm again that I long for a cool down. This time I swim a little further out and enjoy the nature that surrounds me. I realize that I can relax completely and that I can't imagine a better place for a time-out than the Pulvermaar, especially in this beautiful weather. As I come out of the water, I notice how many happy faces I look into. This also has a positive effect on me and my mood gets even better. I decide to make myself comfortable with a good book on the lawn for the rest of the time.
"Who turned the clock, is it really that late already?" - This song by Paulchen Panther sounds from the loudspeakers on the lawn of the Pulvermaar in the evening. A funny way to remind the bathers that the bath closes at 8:00 pm. I pack up my things and look at the crystal-clear water of the Pulvermaar for the last time today.
For me, the Pulvermaar is one of my absolute favorite places in the summer. You can relax wonderfully there and be very close to the nature of the Eifel. The Maar is therefore the perfect place for all nature lovers and water rats or even for those who just want to sunbathe on the large lawn.
Author: Xenia Michels
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